Board Certified Gynecologist in Knoxville
You are our passion every day
Dr. Fields is a board-certified physician and surgeon practicing in the Knoxville area since 2001. He maintains a busy women’s health practice within the Tennova Healthcare system. He has long been an advocate for advanced medical care access for women in medicine and surgery, recognizing that health and wellness require a comprehensive approach specific to each individual woman.
Dr. Fields has been a pioneer in the fields of robotic and computer assisted surgery. He is nationally recognized for his contributions to robotic surgery and receives referrals for complex surgeries from across the nation. He is designated as one of twenty national surgeon “Epicenters” providing advanced robotic surgery training to other surgeons. He provides consultations to hospitals and robotic surgery programs to improve their level of quality and efficiency. He serves currently as Director of Robotic Surgery for Turkey Creek Medical Center.
Dr. Fields has served in leadership positions for several hospitals and health related boards in our region, and he served as a consultant to the national Health and Wellness for Women directive.
Complete Care for all of your Obstetrics & Gynecology Needs
Fields Center for Women’s Health provides individualized and comprehensive gynecological and prenatal care for women across Knoxville.
What's New
New Website Launch
We are proud to announce the launch of our new website.